Lady Fyre Recommends...

Friday, October 01, 2010

Wow. 8 years is a record for me for not updating a journal or blog. I re-stumbled on this and my first blog when checking one of the folders in my email.

I know this is my Fic Rec blog but I think a little update on what I've been doing the past 8 years is in order. It'll be short, promise.

Moved to the States in late November 2002, first staying in LA then moving to Las Vegas where I've been stuck (yes, stuck) ever since. Worked in a bookstore owned by one of the casino-hotels. It was closed last year and ever since I've been working in the retail department of the hotel. Planning on moving to a new apartment at the end of the month. I should actually be packing but I procrastinate a lot.

My fic reading habits have changed in the past 8 years. I still read Harry Potter fics but I no longer read Harry/Ginny fics. I can still read the old ones, the ones I first started out reading but I no longer actively search out good ones. You could even say I'm allergic to H/G fics now, as I hit the back button as soon as I realize the pairing is H/G or even Harry/Hermione. Canon fairly pissed me off with getting Harry and the Lily Potter lookalike together in the epilogue.

Aside from HP fics and the occasional BatFamily fics, I read a lot of fics in other fandoms now. Lord of the Rings, certain Anime series and television series are among the other fandoms. For a complete list, see my profile.

Also, I read a lot more slash now than I do het or gen stories. 85% of the fics I read now are slash and the other 15% is gen and rarely het. What this means is that the fic recommendations on this blog are now going to be mostly if not all slash.
